Normality classes: parameters for research. Europe is regarded as a compound of nations due to the “Maastricht Criteria”; these nations compete against each other as if they were companies, whereupon in such competing unions social standards tend...
Empirican Results: EIT Zusammenfassung der Auswertung einer Umfrage mit Studierenden Questionnaire English Results Abendgymnasium Koeln Results Greece Results in Greek Results Netherlands Helmond Results RVK Hagen Results Spain
The Greek partner used and developed a multitude of materials they used to discuss migration and xenophobia in their institutes. Here some examples:
„Europäische Grundrechte“: Elemente Der Vertrag über die Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union und der Vertrag über die Europäische Union, die beiden Kernverträge der EU, umfassen eine Reihe von Anforderungen hinsichtlich sozialer Rechte, einschließlich...
Learning in Europe (Identity-game) A classical role-game unit for students: They should prepare a discussion session about a model of apprenticeship in the European future. How could a model like these look like? Which competences and qualification are...
Simulation game: Here learning to understand and accept different ways of countries to organize its school systems. Learning to live with diversity. Acceptence of differences. Simulation game schoolsystems in Europe
Meeting other cultures – an approoach to a multicultural socienty In this unit are developed materials that use popular themes and persons to learn about the problems and chances of migration. It can be used for e-learning and will be integrated...
Films and media productions condense images of the other on the one hand, but film analysis opens on the other hand a critical reflection frame of media discourses about migration for example, i.e about positive and negative images and stereotypes of...
Solidarity with minorities: Jewish community in Thessaloniki Solidarity with minories was a substancial element of the project. One exemple par excellence for this goal is a project that the partner from Cologe developed in a school project and realized...
Solidarity with minories was a substancial element of the project. One exemple par excellence for this goal is a project that the partner from Cologe developed in a school project and realized duren the summer-academy: a radio feature about the Jewish...