
Theophil Armin Wegner

Literary research; here symbols in different kind of texts. In every partner country exemplarily literary material was read up and investigated. It is supposed to be the kind of material which reflects the cultural, trans-European references and solidarities...
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Hölderlin, an exemplary project. One aim of the ersamus+ project is to develop literary exemplary examples that show how in the tradition of European literature writers reflected different cultures/nations in the perspective of solidarity. Here: Hölderlin...
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Solidarity, exemple par excellence: Hemingway Ernest Hemingway has been one of the most important representative of practical and lieterary solidarity with another culture. He was deeply in love with Spain and that fact is clearly seen in his work as...
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Creative Writing – Poetry

  Literature: poems/creative writing In every partner country exemplarily literary material is read up, investigated and as here  basis for an own creative work. It is supposed to be the kind of material which reflects the cultural, trans-European...
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Lord Byron

„I Would be a Citizen of the World“ – Finding a proto-european Identity – The aim of this lesson sequence is to establish Lord Byron as a transnational actor, who outgrew his own status as a “Byronic Hero”. Throughout the sequence, the students...
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European identity in times of crisis: manifesto of institutions of secondary school On the Berlin meeting of the partners in october 2017 we discusses the documentst manifest. It containce in a way the essence of our experiences, it was accepted in the...
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